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6 things you shouldn't say to your child


1. "You're worthless"
- Avoid using derogatory language that can harm your child's self-esteem and emotional well-being.

2. "I wish you were more like [someone else]" - Comparing your child to others can create feelings of inadequacy and resentment.

3. "You always mess things up" - Refrain from using sweeping generalizations or negative labels, as it can lead to a negative self-image for your child.

4. "Stop crying, it's not a big deal" - Invalidating your child's emotions may discourage them from expressing their feelings in the future.

5. "You're so stupid" - Name-calling or using demeaning language can have long-lasting negative effects on your child's confidence and development.

6. "I don't have time for you right now" - Avoid dismissing your child's needs or emotions, as it can make them feel unimportant and neglected. Instead, communicate openly and set aside time for them when pos


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