11 Signs of a Fake Friend You Shouldn't Overlook
1. Lack of Support: A fake friend may not be there for you in times of need.
2. Constant Criticism: They might criticize you more than they support you.
3. Selective Availability: They're available only when it's convenient for them.
4. One-Sided Effort: You're the only one putting effort into the relationship.
5. Betrayal of Trust: They break your trust by spreading personal information.
6. Jealousy and Competition: They show jealousy and compete instead of celebrating your successes.
7. Conditional Friendship: Friendship seems dependent on what you can do for them.
8. Ignoring Boundaries: They disregard your boundaries and make you uncomfortable.
9. Negative Influence: They consistently lead you into making poor decisions.
10. Flakiness: They frequently cancel plans or commitments without a valid reason.
11. Lack of Empathy: They don't show empathy or genuine concern for your feelings.
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