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Sure, here's a list of 75 free and useful software tools for students across various categories:

Note-Taking and Productivity:

1. Microsoft OneNote

2. Evernote

3. Notion

4. Google Keep

5. Simplenote

6. Zoho Notebook

7. Turtle

Document and Research Tools:

8. Zotero

9. Mendeley

10. Scribus (for desktop publishing)

11. LaTeX (for academic writing)

12. JabRef (reference manager)

13. Grammarly (for writing assistance)

14. OpenOffice

15. LibreOffice

16. Calibre (e-book management)

Study and Learning Aids:

17. Anki (flashcard software)

18. Quizlet

19. Duolingo (language learning)

20. Khan Academy

21. Coursera

22. edX

23. TED (for inspirational talks)

24. Wolfram Alpha (computational knowledge)

25. GIMP (image editing)

Coding and Programming:

26. Visual Studio Code

27. Eclipse

28. IntelliJ IDEA (for Java)

29. PyCharm (for Python)

30. Code::Blocks (for C/C++)

31. Jupyter Notebook (for data science)

32. NetBeans

Math and Science Tools:

33. GeoGebra (mathematics)

34. Stellarium (astronomy)

35. R (statistical computing)

36. Scilab (numerical computation)

37. Maxima (computer algebra system)

38. FreeCAD (3D modeling)

Collaboration and Communication:

39. Slack

40. Trello (project management)

41. Asana

42. Skype

43. Zoom

44. Slack

45. Discord

46. Jitsi (video conferencing)

47. Slack

48. Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)

Graphics and Design:

49. Inkscape (vector graphics)

50. Blender (3D modeling and animation)

51. Krita (digital painting)

52. Canva

53. Paint.NET

File Management and Backup:

54. Dropbox

55. Google Drive

56. OneDrive

57. MEGA

58. Backblaze (backup)

Web Browsing and Research:

59. Mozilla Firefox

60. Brave Browser

61. Vivaldi

62. Pocket (for saving articles)

63. Feedly (RSS reader)

Media and Entertainment:

64. VLC Media Player

65. Audacity (audio editing)

66. Blender (video editing)

67. HandBrake (video conversion)

68. OBS Studio (streaming and recording)

Security and Privacy:

69. LastPass (password manager)

70. KeePass (password manager)

71. VeraCrypt (encryption)

72. Avira Antivirus

73. Malwarebytes

74. ProtonVPN

75. Tor Browser (for anonymous browsing)

These software tools cover a wide range of needs for students, from note-taking and productivity to coding and design, helping you excel in your academic endeavors.

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