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1. Oats: Rich in fiber, oats keep you full and provide sustained energy.

2. Quinoa: High in protein and fiber, quinoa promotes a feeling of fullness.

3. Lentils: Packed with protein and fiber, lentils satisfy hunger effectively.

4. Sweet Potatoes: Their fiber content helps control appetite.

5. Beans: Full of fiber and protein, beans contribute to satiety.

6. Broccoli: Low in calories, high in fiber, and nutrient-dense.

7. Greek Yogurt: High in protein, Greek yogurt promotes fullness.

8. Nuts: Healthy fats and protein in nuts make them filling.

9. Eggs: High protein content helps control hunger.

10. Chia Seeds: Expand in the stomach, promoting fullness.

11. Salmon: Omega-3 fats in salmon contribute to satiety.

12. Avocado: Healthy fats and fiber keep you feeling full.

13. Chicken Breast: Lean protein helps control appetite.

14. Cottage Cheese: High protein content aids in satiety.

15. Berries: Rich in fiber, antioxidants, and low in calories.

16. Popcorn: Whole grain and high in fiber, it can be a satisfying snack.

17. Brown Rice: Provides a steady release of energy, promoting fullness.

18. Spinach: Low in calories, high in nutrients and fiber.

19. Grapefruit: Contains fiber and may help control appetite.

20. Water: Staying hydrated can help control hunger signals.

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